VII.1. Cephalometrics

Competent to :
  • identify relevant anatomical structures on cephalograms
  • perform several cephalometric diagnostic analyses on tracings
  • validity and limitation of growth prediction including computerized prediction

Knowledge of :
limitations of cephalograms and their analyses.

VII.2. Orthodontic biomechanics

Competent to :
  • understand basic principles of statics and mechanics of materials
  • estimate forces produced by specific orthodontic appliances used for preventive and interceptive purposes

Knowledge of :
effect of different types of force application and force magnitude on cells and tissues

Familiar with :
the property and composition of orthodontic materials

VII.3. Aetiology and treatment

1. Aetiology of malocclusion.

Knowledge of :
  • genetic and environmental factors that influence post-natal development of the dentition and facial growth
  • unfavorable influence of environmental factors and their interception
  • different modes of breathing

Familiar with :
  • normal and abnormal speech
  • various ways of swallowing
  • the process of mastication

2. Diagnostic procedures.

Competent to :
  • perform a thorough clinical and radiographic examination including determination of habitual occlusion
  • evaluate functional occlusion and different jaw relationships of patients
  • evaluate influence of functional components of soft tissues on dentofacial morphology
  • predict the likely effect on growth and development of face and dentition if no therapy is implemented

3. Iatrogenic effects of orthodontic treatment.

Familiar with :
  • possible influence of treatment on temporomandibular joints
  • effect of different types of treatment on dental caries risk and periodontal tissues in the long run .factors involved in root resorption
  • possible influence of treatment on dentofacial appearance and aesthetics

VII.4. Orthodontic techniques

1. Removable appliances.

Competent to :
  • indication, design and use of removable appliances
  • construct and repair removable appliances

Knowledge of :
potential and limitation of removable appliances

2. Functional appliances.

Familiar with :
  • indication, design and use of functional appliances
  • potential and limitation of functional appliances

3. Extra-oral appliances.

Knowledge of :
  • indication, design and use of various types of headgears, facial masks, chin-caps and combined extra-oral/functional appliances
  • potential and limitation of these appliances

4. Partial fixed appliances.

Knowledge of :
  • indication and application of partial fixed appliances (e.g. lingual, palatal and vestibular arches, maxillary expansion devices and partially banded/bonded dental arches)
  • potential and limitation of different approaches in partial fixed appliance therapy

5. Fixed appliances.

Familiar with :
  • indication and application of fixed appliances.
  • different concepts and treatment approaches in design and biomechanical principles of fixed appliance therapy
  • potential and limitation of different appliance systems

6. Retention appliances.

Knowledge of :
  • indication and contra-indication, design and use of retention appliances
  • potential and limitation of retention appliances
  • the most appropriate duration of retention

VII.5. Multidisciplinary treatment procedures

1. Cleft palate treatment.

Knowledge of :
  • multidisciplinary approaches in the treatment of cleft palate patients
  • indication, timing and application of multidisciplinary treatment of cleft palate patients
  • specific aspects of orthodontic treatment in cleft palate patients

2. Orthodontic-periodontal treatment.

Knowledge of :
  • indication and contra-indication of orthodontic treatment in periodontally compromised dentitions
  • specific aspects of orthodontic treatment in periodontally compromised dentitions
  • contribution of orthodontic treatment to the periodontal condition of patients

3. Multiple aplasia

Knowledge of :
multidisciplinary approaches in the treatment of children with multiple aplasia

4. Physiology and pathophysiology of the stomatognathic system.

Familiar with :
  • normal and abnormal functional occlusion of the dentition
  • normal and abnormal behavior of soft tissue structures
  • normal and abnormal functioning of the temporomandibular joint
  • diagnostic procedures regarding the temporomandibular joint
  • treatment procedures of temporomandibular joint disorders

VII.6. Clinical experience

Competent to :
  • diagnose and treat or make appropriate referral of singular conditions in the primary and developing permanent dentition including, but not limited to :
  • anterior and posterior space and tooth loss
  • transient or definitive crowding and irregularity of the teeth
  • oral habits
  • ectopic eruption
  • anterior/posterior crossbite
  • diastema closing by using simple fixed or removable appliances
  • diagnose the right timing to refer a patient to an orthodontist

Familiar with :
the techniques used for the orthodontic treatment of malocclusion.